Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Find the other people who also had your question (#1-5) to respond to. Sit in a group.  First alternate sharing your observations with one other person in the group.  Share everything the two of you wrote down.  Next, share as a group. Each person should share at least one of their observations. Try to cover a wide-range of rhetorical/stylistic elements.
Large group...share the passage you analyzed and listen to other members in your group.

Hand in your papers.

Work through the AP Scarlet Letter reading passage with a partner.  Try to get through the first four or five. We will finish them tomorrow.

Homework...Read chapters 12 & 13. Write one inferential question. Also, mark/note the vocab words as you come across them in the text.  Friday we will have a quiz on these words and chapters 9-13. 

Example Inferential question:

  “After he has gone back, to wherever he’s going next, I think of getting him a star named after himself, for his birthday.  I have seen an advertisement for these: you send in your money, and you get a certificate with a star map, your own marked on it.  Possibly he would find this amusing.  But I’m not sure the word birthday, for him, would still have meaning (363).”  What might Elaine mean with this cryptic comment about the word “birthday”?  Is this comment connected to his speech on the universe?  Is the “star” as a “birthday” present significant in a symbolic way, or just something a theoretical physicist might like

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