Wednesday, September 17, 2014

September 17, 2014

Learning Targets:

Using questions generated by me and my classmates, I can have a sustained conversation about a novel.

I can observe and evaluate the a literary conversation. 

Activity 1: I-touch twist.  Watch and listen to how this young poet uses language - words and body language - to convey an argument about technology and our relationship to it.  When he is done, write down two lines which caught your attention and try to write one or two sentences which encapsulates what you believe he is saying. In other words, what is his argument? In essence, condense his poetic language to a thesis statement.

Activity 2: Fishbowl discussion...
  • Groups 5-7 in the middle; the rest of the class will sit in a circle around them.  
  • Sean, Andrew, and Colleen will take turns leading the discussion today. 
  • Period 10: Jack S., Thomas L., Talya
  • They will begin with tossing their own questions out to the group for discussion and soliciting responses; however, after taking a few responses, they might ask another group member to share their question.
  • The students outside the discussion circle should observe. After the discussion is finished, they should write the following on an exit ticket:
    • Name and class period:
    • Which question seemed to generate the most engaging discussion? 
    • In your opinion, what was the most interesting or insightful comment? 
    • What, if anything, could the participants have done to make the discussion better?

Period 9 groups:
Period 10 groups
Group 1: Krupa, Cecelia, Dana
Group 2: Ayah, Bria, Sam
Group 3: Rebecca, Anisa, Connor, David
Group 4: Danny, Chris, Abby
Group 5: Andrea, Michael, Amy, TJ
Group 6: Carolyn, Sean, Nicky
Group 7: Colleen, Andrew, Lizzy, Ellie

Group 1: Audrey, Maja, Yair, Jake R.
Group 2: Christian, Jake C, Ellie
Group 3: Michael, Melissa, Katrina
Group 4: Claudia, Anna, Colin
Group 5: Matt G, Claire, Sam
Group 6: Thomas, Jack D., Jack B., Alexa
Group 7: Matt, Jack S., Madison, Tommy


Read pp. 115-125 and write one discussion question which is textually based and meaningful.

Optional Assignment #1 (due tomorrow): (10 completion points) Select a word or phrase that is used today that you believe is overused, odd, or even crazy and research its origin and examine the similarities and differences between denotation and connotation. Also, do you like this word/phrase or loathe it? Feel free to rant against or cheerlead for it.  Have a little fun.  Let your voice come out to play. (1 page, typed, double-spaced, Times New Roman 12 point Font)

Optional Assignment #2 (due Friday): Get two points added to your last quiz score by using sagacious in two sentences:  One having to do with the Scarlet Letter and another having to do with your life.  Make sure that their are sufficient context clues to convey the meaning.

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