Thursday, September 11, 2014

September 11, 2014 The Scarlet Letter

The Scarlet Letter

Learning Target: I will practice good discussion and listening skills while exploring literature in a small group setting. 
I will also paraphrase challenging passages, and then writing discussion questions using question stems. 

Read chapters VII and VIII (68-80)

For each of the chapters, write one question - but this time you do not need to write down and paraphrase the passage -  you only need to write down the page # and paragraph for textual passage.

Small group discussions...groups of three

  • Take turns leading the discussion, with each of you leading the discussion for one of the three chapters.  
  • Begin with chapter 4, then discuss 5, and finally 6
  • When leading the discussion, begin by sharing your passage (have your group mates turn to it), then your paraphrase, and, finally, your question. Solicit responses to your question from the two (or three) other members.  
  • After the first leader finishes discussing his or her question, the leader should invite one of the other two members to lead the discussion about the next chapter. 
  • By the way, please feel free to discuss topics, spin-off questions, and observations which are not directly in response to the questions written.Think of the questions you wrote last night as discussion starters, but not necessarily all that you must talk about.

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