Thursday, September 4, 2014

September 4, 2014

Learning Targets: 

  • I will also reflect on the different ways that English is spoken, and the assumptions we make about people based on our perceptions of how they speak.
  • I will reflect on the rhetorical strategies used in a non-fiction piece and consider how they might be incorporated into a rhetorical analysis essay.

Amy Tan InterviewThe first 3 mins 48 seconds.  You can watch the rest at home by clicking on this link.

Activity 1: Amy Tan's Mother Tongue Journal 09.04.14 Read question # 4 under Suggestions for Writing on page 706.  Don't write an essay, but write about a page-long reflection on whether you believe that your language was/is more influenced by peers or family. Use evidence from your personal experience to support your position.  

Amy Tan Mother Tongue Questions for Discussion # 3 & 8 and Questions of Rhetoric and Style 2 & 3 

Santa Ana AP Essay Journal 09.04.13 Read the AP prompt for the Joan Didion Santa Anna piece and then spend 10 minutes writing about the following: 1) write one or two sentences in which you characterize/summarize Didion's view of the Santa Ana winds; and 2) choose three stylistic elements that struck you as significant in her attempt to convey her view, and write two or three sentences briefly describing how she used each of the elements to help convey her view.

Homework:  To prepare for tomorrow's essay...

  • do the following in your journal:  Mother Tongue rhetoric & style questions 4, 5 and 6: 
  • Also read the student AP exam responses to Didion's Santa Ana piece and the commentary which follows the essay judged excellent.

Tomorrow: Go straight to the following location.  You are going to write a practice AP rhetorical analysis essay.  On Monday, I will have each of your do some self-assessment of your essay and the experience of writing it.
Period 9 = DC East
Period 10 = Library Room F

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