Tuesday, September 9, 2014

September 9, 2014

Learning Targets:

I can identify effective word choices and phrases in a rhetorical analysis essay, and I can imagine how I might incorporate them into my own analytical writing.

I can use question stems to help me interact with text and prepare questions for discussion.

Activity 1) Read and annotate the third student example essay written in response to the John Barry scientific method piece. Mark and annotate for effective words, phrases and explanations of rhetorical strategies.

Tonight:  Begin keeping a writer's notebook (or section of your notebook) for recording well-conceived words, phrases and explanations of rhetorical strategies and effects. These which might help you in later writing. 

Activity 2) Generating questions using question stems.

Examples from 33-48

Given how Hawthorne has the stranger make the pronouncement, "It irks me, nevertheless, that the partner of her iniquity should not...stand on the scaffold by her side.  But he will be known!"(44), what might Hawthorne be indicating about the character and future events in the plot?

Given how the Puritan women are portrayed in pages 35-36 (and many of the men later), what might Hawthorne be trying to say about some elements of the Puritan religion and society? 

Now, write one question of your own.

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