Wednesday, September 3, 2014

September 3, 2014

Learning Targets: 

  1. I will continue to develop my rhetorical awareness and vocabulary skills. 
  2. I will also reflect on the different ways that English is spoken, and the assumptions we make about people based on our perceptions of how they speak.

Homework:  Read pages 699 to 704, which includes Amy Tan's Mother Tongue.  Title your journal entry Amy Tan's Mother Tongue journal 09.03.14 . Answer Questions for Discussion # 3 & 8 and Questions of Rhetoric and Style 2 & 3.

  • AP Test Reading Passage Practice individually and with a partner(s)
  • Please write your full name and the class period on the first page of the packet. I will collect the packet at the end of class.
  • Take 15 minutes total to read the second passage on pp 17-18 and then answer questions 11-22.
    • Don't stress if you don't finish.  I would rather have you work steadily on this practice exercise.
  • After working on the passage individually, I will pair you with someone and have you discuss the questions and your respective answers.  
    • When you find you have different answers for a question, discuss the question and answers further (look back at the text, too) and see if you can reach an agreement on the best answer. 
    • Also, identify two questions which you and your partner thought were potentially the most difficult.  Write your names and the number of each question on a post-it and then give it to me. (10 mins)
    • If time permits, I will go over the answers with you.

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