Thursday, February 12, 2015


Learning Target:  I can use The Great Gatsby to reflect on my world.

1) Hand in expanded paper reflection which you worked on last night.
    1) What idea/topic addressed in Gatsby are you planning to focus on?  
     2) Controlling idea/central question/point of view...What is your controlling idea, central question, point of view for the paper.  What do you think you want to say or figure out about your topic?  
     3). What outside connections - outside the novel, that is - might inform your ideas on your topic? Books, school, family, relationships, friends, movies, classes, etc? Get specific.  Explore places outside the novel which contribute to your views on the topic.
     4) What does Fitzgerald have to say about the topic ( based on your reading of Gatsby).  Try to find three to four quotes/passages which suggest Fitzgerald's POV on the topic. 

2) Watch Gatsby

Homework: It behooves you to get started on your 1st draft tonight, so that you are able to complete a full draft (3-4 pages) by the end of class tomorrow.

First typed draft of paper due at the end of class on Friday, Feb 13. 
Peer feedback on Tuesday, February 17
Second draft of paper due on Wednesday, Feb 18.
Peer feedback on Feb 18.
Final paper due on February 20.

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