Friday, February 20, 2015

Learning Target: I can provide and receive mature feedback on the Gatsby personal reflection paper.


1. Collect the marked-up draft you used in class yesterday 

(5 points) 

2. Internal citations and creative title mini-lesson:

 Borne Back Ceaseleslly 

Trying to learn from the past without getting stuck there

I Hope She Won't Be a Fool

Raising Daughters To Not Be Daisies in Distress

3. Final Peer Review

3. Watch Fitzgerals: An American Dreamer

4. Having read The Great Gatsby and watched the biography, articulate and then explore/attempt to answer an intriguing personal observation you have about F. Scott and Zella Fitzgerald and/or The Great Gatsby.  Articulate your observation or question early in your writing and then explore it for about a page or two, allowing yourself to wander into related topics that your mind might draw you towards.

On Monday, we will talk about your reflections in small and then large groups.

Peer feedback on your paper
Controlling Idea
Organization (order and flow of ideas)
LT Heading with period
Creative Title


The final paper is due Monday. Digital copy to and hard copy to me.

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