Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Learning Target:  I can use The Great Gatsby to reflect on my world.

Activity 1: Initial Essay reflection
     What ideas/topics addressed in Gatsby are you considering for your essay?    
     What do you think Fitzgerald is saying about your topic?
     POV...What is your initial point of view on the topic? In other words, what thoughts do you have on the topic, or what questions related to the topic would you like to explore?
     What outside connections - outside the novel, that is - might inform your ideas on your topic? Books, school, family, relationships, friends, movies, classes, etc?

Activity 2: Watch Gatsby

Homework: Gatsby paper ideas (visual check tomorrow):  1-typed page which basically brainstorms/presents/tests ideas for your paper - topics, questions, a controlling idea, a point of view, etc. One helpful brainstorming strategy can be to think of a paper like this as an attempt/journey to answer a meaningful question which the book raised in your mind.  The closer this  question is to an authentic concern or interest of yours, the better your paper will be.  It's hard to write with an invested voice in something that you don't really care much about. 

First typed draft due Thursday.

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