Thursday, February 26, 2015

Learning Target: I can discuss The Horns of the Bull (Capital of the World) in the context of the personal, political, and philosophical/religious spheres. 

6 mins (2 per topic)...Quickly write down what you remember learning last night about 1) the Spanish Civil War, 2) Bullfighting and 3) Hemingway.

Next, choose one more student question which you did not respond to online, and take 5 minutes to craft a response.

Each person in your group should share a couple of things they learned about 1) the Spanish Civil War, 2) Bullfighting and 3) Hemingway.

Each person should lead your group in discussion of the question you responded to last night (or, if their is overlap within the group) or to one you responded to on Tuesday night or today in class.  

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