Tuesday, February 17, 2015


Learning Target: I can use Meghan O'Rourke's essay on Hamlet and grieving to reflect on strategies for writing my Great Gatsby personal essay.


Take out The Great Gatsby paper assignment and the rubric for it. 

Review controlling idea and voice columns.

Read and annotate the Meghan O'Rourke essay on Hamlet for the following:
Presentation and development of the controlling idea and sub-points

Connections to Hamlet, other literature, personal, real-world, etc.

Voice...Places where her voice comes across clearly

2nd paragraph...

Controlling idea...What sentences in this paragraph further develop and focus her controlling idea?

Which lines signal a shift or evolution in thought or understanding?

What literary insights are shared? 

Where is her voice strongest? 

What personal examples does she use and what effect do they have?


Finish reading and annotating for controlling idea, connections, and voice in  Meghan O'Rourke's essay on Hamlet.

Next, read and annotate your paper for controlling idea, connections, and voice in your Gatsby essay. 

Annotate for evidence of each component as well as how your paper might be lacking in some of those areas.  Write suggestions for improvement in the margins.

Also, print one clean copy of your essay for peer review tomorrow.

Tomorrow...Bring in both the annotated O'Rourke essay and the copy of your own paper which you annotated last night.  Also bring in a clean copy of your essay (revised or not) for a peer to take a look at tomorrow. Peer feedback tomorrow.

Hand back in-class Gatsby essays

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