Monday, February 9, 2015

Learning Target: I can make connections between ideas in The Great Gatsby and my world.

Hand out the essay assignment:  

Read the assignment

Watch The Great Gatsby Film

Homework: Re-read the entire assignment, including sample paper and rubric. Come prepared with any questions tomorrow.

Tuesday: Free-writing/brainstorming and watch Gatsby

Wednseday: Wath Gatsby

Thursday: Typed draft due
Peer Reviews
HW: Type next-to-final draft

Friday: Final Peer Review

Paper Due: Feb 17

This weekend I attended a reunion for Carmel High School Basketball Teams which made it to the Sweet Sixteen (final 16 teams in the state playoff) two years in a row: 1985 & 1986.  Here is my junior year photo, back in the day when I had hair.

Carmel Basketball Team 2015

Carmel Basketball Team 1985

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